Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Music, Music, Music


The sheer audacity of some people amazes me.
As a longtime standing member of Blogcritics, I am used to getting items in the mail for my personal review. But, usually, there is a system in place.
However, there are companies sending me CD singles, unasked for. NO letter saying "Will you please" and a contact to notify the review is up. What concerns me even more is that these keep coming even though NOT ONE review has ever been posted.
I assume they are watching the site for something.
Here's the list so far: Cassidy B Boy Stance AM to PM, Mario Couldn't Say No, Fantasia Free Yourself, Avril Lavigne Fall to Pieces, Babyface Sorry for the Stupid Things, Foo Fighters Best of You, Boo Say it to My Face, Kenny G I Believe I Can Fly.
Some of these will sell without the help of any Blogcritic. Perhaps (I hope) this post will stop the asking of my help.

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