Thursday, August 20, 2009

TV Review Warehouse 13 "Implosion"


Can you say Boom? If so, this is a pretty good indicator of where this week's episode goes. Not only do Pete (Eddie McClintock) and Myka (Joanne Kelly) find themselves smack in the middle of another assignment, the past of Artie (Saul Rubinek) comes to light. Throw in a strong guest star, and the recipe is properly mixed and ready for baking.

The Artifact sought this time? Part of a sword. It's a circle which fits over the blade and comes to rest down near the hilt. Put in plain language, it really goes atop the handle. Why so important? Power. Whoever uses it is fairly indestructible. Not to mention having the ablity to vanish and appear at will.

Under ordinary circumstances, this would hardly be an issue. Pete and Myka go and get their prize, and head home to the Warehouse. This time is a little different. Japanese officials want to give it to the President as a gift. Our thrilling twosome are to run interception at the Japanese embassy. Things don't quite go as planned. Astute viewers will know whodunit in about the first ten minutes.

Simon Reynolds is back as Dickenson, Myka and Pete's former boss. He knows even less about happens in the place in South Dakota than his agents. While I haven't seen Reynolds in much, his attempt to balance work duties and personal feelings is pitch perfect in this episode. Dickenson cares, and the nuances make Reynolds a valuable member of the cast.

Allison Scagliotti-Smith is off, so Claudia doesn't show up. They fixed the credits! Nowhere does it say her name, either in opening or a guest star role. Good. To put her in when she isn't only confuses viewers.

The real nailbiter this time has to do with Artie's past. Why am I not surprised he's a former NSA agent? Whoever wrote the script put in a dingbat line -Artie was a codebreaker! Uh, that's what the National Security Agency DOES. Honestly. Twenty years ago, he alledgedly sold secrets to the Russkies. A name change was in order to keep them from coming after him, but Dickenson had no choice but to act on information he received. Now, a logical conclusion is Artie as a particular type of agent. Think about your classic spy flick, and you'll easily come up with the same conclusion. This has yet to be considered, but it works.

Mrs. Frederic (CCH Pounder) also returns, as the baddie in question could be a man named McPherson. Little is known about what happened to get him on the government watch list. However, the guest star is already known. Roger Rees. Not bad! The chemistry between him and Rubinek is potent. Artie and McPherson were both in love with the same woman, but that's nothing compared to their current clash. Watching these two is delicious, but Rees looks like he's in his 20's. Sheesh. Granted, the lighting was dark. Two more McPherson episodes are on the way, with one being the season finale. As far as I know, there WILL be a Season 2. Nothing indicates Rees is back then, though. Keep in mind this is a summer show. Things could change.

Speaking of lighting, what's with the green lights for science fiction? Eerie is one thing, but to use the same color all the time isn't the smartest idea in the world.

As Leena (Genelle Williams) points out, working for the Warehouse is dangerous. Some have died already. Artie understands this all too well, and so is reluctant to share of himself to Pete and Myka. Miss Curlytop, or Agent Bering, is frustrated at not having every detail so she can be prepared. She correctly points out she is hardly a redshirt. Then again, this is a new experience.

If the rest of the season is anything like "Implosion", viewers will be highly entertained. Seven episodes, and this show has gotten its feet where they need to be. More background should come up, as Pounder, Reynolds, and Williams play characters whose lives are not fully developed as of yet. Also, look for more top name guest stars in the weeks to come.

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