Thursday, October 28, 2004

Down to the wire


Less than a week to go (Whew!) and we will either have a new President or another four years with the same old, same old. Already the lawyers are standing by just in case. Of course, all this could be avoided if people started using their brain cells a little more often. Think about it, folks: Fla 2000 had one large glaring error-confused voters who did not bother to ask for help from poll workers and just picked willy nilly.
This time around, same Fla county cannot seem to keep track of their absentee ballots. So there is a distinct possibility of people voting twice.
On the plus side, some other stories seem to overrided the political debacle. Boston Red Sox finally won a World Series Yea! The curse of the Bambino seems to be finally broken. Now, if they could just rub off on the Cubs...
Arafat may be deceased by this weekend.
And, for the odder than odd. Washingston State had a school cancel its Halloween celebrations because they did not want to offend witches. Just how far away was that blue moon?

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