Got back from church retreat over weekend and found more than a few things to take care of. Books due at library tomorrow. Working on bio of Douglas Adams, who wrote Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Long and detailed. Had review for edit, and found two to post. Tried being a bit more snarky on Boston Legal review this week. This poor show getting darker and darker. Alan holds his own, but Garrett cares too much. Brad needs someone to care about. (Where do I go to volunteer? ;) ] Shirley needs to be knocked off her high horse. What has gotten neglected? My transcription. Compared to what I started with, pile is LOTS smaller.
Pick sprinkles to match a theme or season. 11.00000 cup (31.0 g). Lip Vitamins Desserts Lip Balm are dessert flavored lip balms that taste great anytime! Made with Vitamins A, C & E. Fresh lemon slices in a glass of ice water are refreshing. Seasons / Les saisons
Pick sprinkles to match a theme or season. 11.00000 cup (31.0 g). Lip Vitamins Desserts Lip Balm are dessert flavored lip balms that taste great anytime! Made with Vitamins A, C & E. Fresh lemon slices in a glass of ice water are refreshing. Seasons / Les saisons
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