Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Thanks for the Memories (not)


Katrina gone, left death and destruction in her wake. Problem being worked on, but water levels make things nearly impossible. Power still gone, so communciating not working. Even reporters stuck, unable to tell their families they're okay or have smooth sailing once on air. Help coming, albeit slowly. Troops now deployed from other states to help in recovery effort. Navy Cruisers started down to affected areas from Norfolk, Va. (shouldn't they have been first team to arrive? It's not impeded by water) Donations coming in to Red Cross. What confuses me is why in the world nobody figured out how to stop leaks from levees. Correct me if you must, but doesn't building those require you also know how to fix? Trucks which restore power have not come in due to water. On one good note, Slidell LA is seeing waters recede. Come to think of it, Ala. did not have too high levels. And I heard of at least one airport whose runways are closed to public, but emergency teams can come. And I think I also heard Ala. has a main road open. It's just day by day.


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